The House of Prayer in Charlottesville is a Presence Based Community in Charlottesville (and the Seven County Area) based on Acts 2:42-47.
Charlottesville House of Prayer is devoted to the presence and Kingdom of God through:
Devotion to Prayer - Acts 2:42 (They were devoted to prayer…)
We have been meeting to minister to God by waiting upon Him, hearing and partnering with what he says. This has been our spiritual meat and drink.
Devotion to Worship - Acts 2:42 (...devoted to the breaking of bread...)
Just as the early church met to celebrate the Lords supper, we have been meeting to minister to God in worship and adoration. In this way we have been able to draw close to Him and He has been drawing close to us.
Devotion to Word of God - Acts 2:42 (...devoted to the Apostles teaching...)
We have been gathering around the Word of God: the Bible. The Spirit of God (in accordance with John 14:26) is teaching us and revealing the Living Word to us.
Devotion to the Fellowship of Believers - Acts 2:42 (...devoted to the fellowship)
We have been experiencing the growth of a culture of love and honor. God is making us a people of radical love and devotion to one another.

The House of Prayer in Charlottesville is a revelation of the presence and Kingdom of God through:
Spiritual Ministry and Signs and Wonders- Acts 2:43 (signs and wonders were performed...)
We are experiencing the manifestation of the Spirit in power (in accordance with I Cor 12:7-11 with: words of wisdom, words of knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, spiritual discernment, tongues.) All these have ignited our hearts and have made us passionate for the revelation of the Kingdom as we to meet together. We are experiencing personal transformation and we are ministering to others using these gifts.
Unity in the Body of Christ – Acts 2:44 (...all the believers were together…)
This is a movement of the broken. According to the grace we have received we freely give. We are learning to live in a culture of Honor. This is the culture of Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness. It is not doctrine that connects us, but relationship with Jesus Christ. We are learning to know & love each other not as the world does but after the Spirit. (2 Cor 5:16-17)
Ministry to Those who are Hungry or in Need - Acts 2:45 (...gave to those who had need...)
We are experiencing a manifold growth in our passion and capacity for social action by helping those who are hungry and/or basic human needs. God is opening doors for us to minister physically and supernaturally to our community.
24/7 Worship and Prayer - Acts 2:46-7 (They met every day from house to house...)
Believers meet at the Charlottesville House of Prayer to worship and pray at various hours all week. This often totals 16 hours each week. Our goal for prayer however is not “hours” but is “ministry to the Lord.” Our passion is to maintain an open heaven and “never allow the fire on the altar to go out!”
Spiritual Evangelism - Acts 2:47 (daily... those who were being saved)
We make it our aim to reveal the Kingdom of God (that is within us) to those around us. This is evangelism; that non-believers experience his purity, love and presence, so that they may know Him. Our aim is to reveal the Gospel of the Kingdom by words, acts and presence. We are expectant that non-believers will “note that we have been with Jesus” (Acts 4:13) and also put their trust in Him.