"What's Next Charlottesville?"
Connect Church
2080 Lambs Road, Charlottesville, VA
Four hundred years ago a strategic group of Christian leaders formed the Plymouth Company, equipped Pilgrims, and then sent them to start a new godly nation based on Biblical principles. Today new "companies" across America are emerging to relaunch God's dream.
Jesus' Great Commission
and the America Transformation Company Strategic Action Plan
In parallel Great Commission passages from Matthew 28:19-20 and Mark 16:15-16, Jesus said to “go into all the world” (Mark), “preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark), “baptize them” (Matthew), “make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew), and “teach them to observe all that I have commanded” (Matthew).
Jesus’ Great Commission gives the church a focused mission—transform “nations.” The church has a societal mandate far greater than prayer and evangelism. Cultures have never been permanently changed with prayer and evangelism only. The church is directed to permeate all of culture with biblical directives that bring cultural transformation. Society is influenced by seven specific “mountains” (Arts & media, Business, Church, Medicine, Education, Family, and Government). It has always been the church’s responsibility to inspire change in the other six. By being salt and light, the world is transformed as long as the church does not compromise biblical directives.
Children, elderly
Business & Charities
Wealth, welfare
Arts & Media
Protection, Justice
Medical Care/Development
After mentioning “nations” in Mark 16:17-18, Jesus stated that five “signs would follow those (individuals and nations) who believe.” Communities and cultures that are converted and effectively discipled by the church would:
“cast out demons" (overcome sin and oppression)
“speak with new tongues” (overcome ignorance and error)
“take up serpents” (overcome injustice and tyranny)
“drink anything deadly” (overcome corruption and poverty)
“lay hands on the sick” (overcome disease and division)
Jesus told us what we would see. Real progress of our mission to transform nations would be tangible. Christ’s message is measured by true biblical success.
There is little indication that the American church is successful with this mission. However, an equipped, encouraged, and goal-oriented “company” can begin the transformation process. Are you ready to join with us?
7:00 pm --- Welcome and Introduction
7:15 pm --- “Our Current Condition – and Introduction of ATC” Travis Witt
8:00 pm --- Overcoming Sin and Spiritual Oppression (through church and family) Mark Beliles
8:50 pm --- Suggesting Action Plans
9:15 pm --- Questions and Discussion
8:30 am --- Registration
9:00 am --- Welcome, Introductions, and Overview of Today – Travis Witt
9:20 am --- Overcoming Ignorance and Error (education, arts and media) Mark Beliles
10:10 am --- Suggested Action Plans
10:20 am --- Overcoming Injustice and Tyranny (citizen action & good government) Travis Witt
11:10 am --- Suggested Action Plans
11:20 am --- Overcoming Corruption and Poverty (business, banks, and charities) Mark Beliles
11:50 am --- Suggested Action Plans
12:00 pm --- Working Lunch for Groups
12:45 pm --- Overcoming Disease and Division (medicine, relief & reconciliation) Mark Beliles
1:15 pm --- Suggested Action Plans & Group Strategy Meetings
1:25 pm --- Group Work, Action Plan, and Presentation
2:20 pm --- Closing